Haofu Li
Department of Ocean Science
Ph.D student
Email: hlidi@connect.ust.hk
2020-2022 Mphil in Marine Environmental Science
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
2018-2019 MSc in Drug Discovery and Development
University College London, UK
2014-2018 B.S. in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
China Medical University & Queen's University of Belfast, Shenyang
Research interests
Zhou R, Jiang Y, Li H, Hou P, Kong W, Deng J, Chen Y, Zhou C, Zeng Q, 2024. Structure and assembly of the alpha-carboxysome in the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. Nature Plants.
Cai L, Li H, Deng J, Zhou R, Zeng Q, 2023. Biological interactions with Prochlorococcus: implications for the marine carbon cycle. Trends in Microbiology.